Friends of St John Bosco
The friends of St John Bosco Catholic Primary School is a group of like minded parents who are able to support the school and the children
by organizing a range of largely social events for members of the school community. We are always open to new ideas.....
If you feel that you would be able to support any of the following events please contact the school office who will be happy to pass on your details.
Christmas, Easter and Summer bingos
Christmas discos for children
Easter Celebration discos and parties
Summer Fair The date for 2022 is Friday July 8th starting at 3.00 pm.
Fundraising events for items ranging from the school minibus to library books
Beauty nights
Grounds improvement days
School garden development
School signage
We very much hope to re-engage as we return to normal school activities and look forward to developing this important group
which helps provide those extra luxuries as well as having fun in the process.