Parental Information
Dear Parents and Carers
Another week draws to a close and although there has been much, with regards to change, in the National news I am happy to tell you that school has once again settled down as we manage and organise educating the children currently in school and those at home. Although numbers in all classes are more than we have had in previous period of lockdown they are manageable but this can only happen because so many of you are supporting us as a school family by keeping your children at home where they are undoubtedly safer as the number of contacts is less.
I have been in a number of zoom meetings and it has been most uplifting to see and speak to the children. The level of engagement has been extremely positive and I can only thank you for the continued effort that you make which I have no doubt can be particularly challenging. Once again we do not expect you to be teachers but do appreciate all the support that you continue to give.
If your child has not been able to engage in the work you must contact your child's teacher via google classroom or the school so that we can discuss any issues and offer further support, as I shall be most surprised if the current arrangements do not remain in place for some time.
I have attached our updated corona virus policy which follows the previous format and it outlines the current procedures that we have in place for the children attending school during this lockdown period. I have included a template letter should it be needed which follows the current self isolation guidance. As well as this there are individual class timetables which show how each class is being organised. These include the individual class zoom meetings. Other timings are subject to change as is normal school practice within a classroom but I hope it gives you some idea of how your child might be able to structure their day if they are working from home. It is important to remember that the main instruction comes from your child's teacher via google classroom.
A gentle reminder that our Parent Governor Ballot Box is located outside the school office for you to cast your vote in person or via email should you wish to do so.
I would like to thank all the teachers for the incredible effort they continue to put in at this most difficult time. I used to think I was pretty good at teaching but I am not sure that I would be able to maintain the levels that they do day in day out. Your kind words of support mean so much to us all and it saddens me greatly that a few of my colleagues in other schools have received what they have described as 'vile' messages of complaint, blame and other qualities that I shall leave to your imagination. I can only imagine how emotionally drained they must feel and would be personally devastated if anything like that happened within our school family at such a difficult time for us all. I hope you can all get through this together, you know where I am if you need me and can I ask you as I have asked Fr Grant to pray for all our families and particularly for a number whose grandparents and elderly relatives are in a critical state. I am a great believer in the power of prayer and know personally the comfort that it can bring when that is all that seems to be left. I wish you a peaceful and enjoyable weekend and once again remind you that should anyone in your family be unwell they must stay away from school.
Yours sincerely
Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher
How to use Google Classroom.