St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Hello from Mr MacAreavy

Hello from Mr MacAreavy

24 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

Hello from Mr MacAreavy

Dear Parents


Well done to all of our children who continue to keep themselves busy and active at this difficult time.  Thank you to all the kind words that you have given to your teachers and I know that they are very pleased that so many of you are engaging with the work that is set.  The teachers will continue to communicate with you using the school app and your class pages on the school website.  A big thank you to Miss Rogers for getting our Twitter Feed up and running and I know that many of you are using this already.  Please do your best to keep to the timetable set by your teachers and remember to read your book each evening.  I have finished my Kenny Dalglish book and have now begun Robbie Fowlers Autobiography and I am actually looking forward to sitting in the garden when I get back from school to read for an hour.  Try to help your parents as much as you can and I look forward to seeing you back at school when it is safe for us to do so.  Final word to parents and carers.  Thank you for the was that you are continuing to support your child you are not expected to replace your children's teachers but the support you are giving them will certainly not be wasted and help us to push on and provide the very best for your child when this is over.


Thank you for your continued support.  Please spare a thought for the many families and individuals in our community and country that are less fortunate than us.


Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher