St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School Twitter

School Twitter

17 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

Dear parents,


We are very excited to launch our new school Twitter pages. Twitter is a great communication tool and will be used to post photos, news and upcoming events. Hopefully, in the unique situation that we are in, this will prove an effective way to further improve communications between the school and our community. We also view this as a way of further engaging you in your children’s daily learning more effectively.


Twitter can be accessed on computers, ipads, laptops and phone. Signing up is really easy and will give you complete access to important reminders, school information, special events and class news. It will provide you with a glimpse into your child’s learning in a new and exciting format.


Our main school account is @StJBoscoPrimary and this is where the main tweets regarding news, updates and information will be. Your child’s class also has their own specific page. The usernames are as follows;









These accounts are all set as private and followers will be reviewed and accepted by SLT.

Posts and tweets will be made on an ‘as and when’ basis – there is no expectation on the minimum number of posts / tweets made, but we promise to not bombard you with too many either.

Twitter will be used alongside our school app and will not be replacing it. The App and school website will still be the main sources of information and using Twitter will supplement this.  Teachers will contact their class on Monday to give some helpful suggestions for home learning.

Thanks for your continued support.