St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Happy Easter Year 1

Happy Easter Year 1

9 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

To my lovely Year 1,

I hope that you have been enjoying the sunshine we have had this week and managed to spend some time having fun with your family. I have been so proud of how you all have been managing to get on with the work that has been set for you. I monitor your learning each day and am amazed at how you have taken to this challenging situation. Hopefully we will all be together again sooner rather than later and we can all share our stories of what we have been up to.

As we move into the Easter weekend, I wish you all a Happy Easter and hope that you have a peaceful and restful break. It is important that we all enjoy the positives whilst spending some quality time with our families.

Parents, if you would like to share the Easter story with your child, a useful link: 

Take care

Mrs Bromilow

P.s. Try not to eat too much chocolate!