St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Easter Information

Easter Information

3 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

Easter Information

Dear Parents

Only two weeks in and it seems like ages since the school has been full of happy busy children. Nevertheless you are all doing a great job following the simple guidelines that are having a positive impact and will continue to do so. On behalf of the teachers can I thank you for supporting your children. These are unique times and you are not expected be a teacher although I am sure some of you are enjoying it. I wonder how many of you have given out detentions to your little angels. On a serious note Easter is now upon us and although school will continue for key workers where absolutely necessary the rest of the school will close for our two week Easter Holiday. Teachers will resume their communications with their classes on Monday 20th April and can I ask you not to engage with your children's teachers during this period. If your child wants to continue with any educational activities that is fine as would be the normal case in any holiday. I would encourage your children to continue to read each day and hope that they are helping the family at this difficult time. Teachers will communicate in preparation for the start of the summer term using the school jotter app. You must ensure that you have access to this free download in order to keep up to date in all school communications.

Breakfast Club will not be available throughout the Easter fortnight. Any child of key worker who must attend school will need to bring a packed lunch and their own clothes.

Please keep Fr Grant in your prayers as I know that you are all constantly in his thoughts.

May I wish you a safe Easter. I hope that this period helps us all to reflect on the really important things in life and I look forward to speaking to you in two weeks time. Stay safe and well and keep washing those hands.

Kind regards

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher