St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Mass at St Gregory's Sunday 20th October at 11.00am

Mass at St Gregory's Sunday 20th October at 11.00am

17 October 2019 (by stjohnb)

School Choir

Dear Parents

Fr Grant has arranged for the children to sing hymns at the Mass this Sunday.  I am aware that the information given to the school about a practice earlier this week was more than questionable to say the least.  However we have as a school practiced with all of the children and they sound amazing if you would like to attend the Mass with your child Fr Grant would love to see you there.  The children are asked to wear their own clothing as this is not a school led event. 

I am pleased to inform you that I shall be returning in a full time capacity after half term and we shall be officially starting our school choir again on Mondays after school until 4.00pm.  I shall be organising the children with the support from our class teachers and would ask that you encourage the children to take part if they enjoy singing.  We shall make this a really fun event with juice and biscuits at each singing session.  We have also been asked to sing as part of St James' advent celebrations and will look for opportunities for the children to sing at the Maghull Square and a number of local care homes.

Thank you for supporting me.

Mr MacAreavy