St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Children's University

Children's University

13 February 2025 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

I have informed you on a number of occasions that school funding levels in general continue to present challenges.  Following our most recent finance meeting we shall be receiving a 0.5% fiscal budgetary uplift.  Clearly this is a concern for me and has sadly used up all the reserves that we have built up.  Difficult decisions mean that priorities have to be made and as a result we shall no longer be in a position to continue with the Children's University Initiative.  Our children will continue to enjoy the same number of after school sports and activities that we have provided in the past.  We had hoped to develop our own in house system but this is sadly not the case as we need all our support staff to be working with our children engaged in supporting their curriculum.  It is an unfortunate sign of where we are, however, I am happy that our children receive a full and rich curriculum with opportunities to engage in extra-curricular activities that are for the present sustainable.  Looking at our schools continued excellent success in inter school tournaments shows the wide range of opportunities that our children enjoy.  If you would like to discuss any personal opinions I would be happy to meet privately.  I am usually in school from 6.30am.

Thank you for the continued support that you give to your children and the school.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher