St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 2
  3. Foodbank Donations - Year 2

Foodbank Donations - Year 2

26 June 2024 (by stjohnb)

26th June 2024


Dear Parents and Carers

During our RE lessons Year 2 have been learning about our local community and how we can help each other.  We have discussed the importance of our local foodbank.  Sadly, over 13 million people live below the poverty line in the UK and the need for foodbanks is increasing.  Our local foodbank offers help to local people in crisis.

On Tuesday, 2nd July 2024 we are very fortunate to have the organiser from our local foodbank coming into class and discussing what they do.  We would be grateful if your child could bring in any of the following items to help with our collection for this very worthwhile cause.

Tinned fruit


Curry/pasta sauces

Bags of pasta



Instant coffee


Shower gel

Tea bags

Baby food

Tinned meat and fish

Tinned puddings

Tinned soup

Tinned vegetables


Toilet rolls


Many thanks in advance for anything you are able to give.  Please could all your donations be in by Tuesday, 1st July.   They will be much appreciated.

Best wishes


Year 2 team