St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Message for Parents and Carers of Pupils starting Reception 2023 - Uniform

Message for Parents and Carers of Pupils starting Reception 2023 - Uniform

7 July 2023 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Unfortunately you are unable to purchase ties and book bags from the school office at the moment.  The school is now cashless and payments for items, trips etc are paid through our Iris Parentmail System which as yet has not been up loaded to the new academic year.  This will be completed during the school holidays, as soon as your accounts are up and running you can order book bags and ties by emailing with your child's name and the amount of ties, book bags you want to order.  Once the invoice has been paid the items will be ready for collection from 2nd September at the school office.

Alternatively you can purchase these during the summer from Kids Kirby in Kirkby Town Centre or Premier in Ormskirk on the opposite corner to the Morrisons Supermarket.

kind regards
