St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Junior Carol Concert - Update

Junior Carol Concert - Update

13 December 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

We remain hopeful that our Junior Children will return to school after their illnesses, obviously we want to celebrate our Junior Carol Concert and after discussion with Fr Grant we have been able to organise the following.

Thursday 15th December - Carol Concert in St Gregory's Church at 10.30am.  This will be instead of our usual practice run, however, friends and family will be most welcome.  It is expected to last for about 1 hour.

Tuesday 20th December - Although Fr Grant will not be available we are pleased that we can rearrange our full Carol Concert which will take place in St Gregory's Church at 5.00pm, children need to arrive by 4.45pm and we hope that the majority if not all of our sick junior children will be well enough to attend and participate.  I look forward seeing as many of you as possible and hope that you enjoy the children’s performance as much as they have preparing this festive event for you. 

The weather forecast is for a significant improvement and I for one certainly hope that this is the case.  

All other arrangements will remain the same, unless you are informed otherwise.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher