St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Payments


11 October 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Can I ask you to check your payment accounts on Iris Parentmail on a regular basis so that your accounts do not go in arrears.

Dinners, Breakfast Club and Stjbkidzone should all be paid in advance.

Dinners should be paid on a Friday for the following week - there should be a credit of at least £11.50 on a Monday morning going down to £0.00 after dinners have been taken on a Friday, ready for the following weeks payments.

Breakfast Club and Kidzone should be paid on Monday mornings to include all booked places from Monday to Friday.

If you have any difficulty in paying, please contact Mr MacAreavy or the school office.  If you think you may be entitled to free school meals - please contact Education Benefits at Sefton Local Authority or look on their website  If your accounts is in significant arrears - debts may be sent to Sefton Local Authority Debtors Department for collection.

Children's University Passports should be ordered through  Once the order has been accepted an invoice will be added to Iris Parentmail, once you have paid, a passport will be sent to your child's classroom.  (please note we are waiting for a new batch of Passports to arrive).

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards
