St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 09.09.22

Friday Update 09.09.22

14 September 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you have enjoyed your children’s first week back at school as much as we have.  I am thrilled that our attendance has been 98.8% which means that all of our children have been in school where they should be learning from the wonderful lessons that our teachers prepare for them on a daily basis.  I have been delighted to welcome all of our new children to our reception class.  They have really settled in well and I am already being pestered by the Year 6 children as to when they will be given their ‘Chummy’.  This is something that we are certainly looking forward to re-engaging this school year as it will enable our older children to work with our youngest throughout the school year, helping them and their teachers to support their reading development, number skills and particularly their speaking and listening development through organized play activities.  Being part of a family is important to us and this is one of the ways in which we show the children the importance of helping each other as all supportive families do.

The other classes look extremely smart and their teachers have been pleased with their punctuality, as well as how well they have applied themselves to their classwork.  Please help your child with their reading if you can manage to find 10 or 15 minutes each evening.  Ask them questions about what they read and seek their views and opinions as all these skills have such a positive impact in everything they undertake in school. 

After School Clubs have already started and have been very well attended, with children in all classes able to benefit from out beautiful school ground.  Please encourage your child even if they are a little reluctant as we have seen so many children grow in confidence from participation in these activities. 

I am delighted that we are continuing to offer our youngest children a multi-sports and football club on Fridays after school and ask that you assist in them changing.  Many parents remained to watch their children and I would encourage you to do this if you can manage the time. 

Although a little early it is our intention to provide a half term sports camp on our school grounds for any St John Bosco child which will take place on Monday 24th October up to and including Thursday 27th October.  This will absolutely not be just a football camp and Mr Parry will be leading a group of coaches offering Hi Five Netball, Tennis, Rounders, Cricket, Dodgeball as well as Football.  This is an exciting addition to our provision and there will a charge applied which I shall inform you nearer the time when we have finalised arrangements.  

We were all saddened to hear of the death of one of our local Headteachers on Tuesday.                 Mrs Catherine Morris was the Headteacher at Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School and someone who I have worked with and respected for a number of years.  We were only talking in my office in July about local school issues and she was informing me of her plans to retire within the next two years.  I have passed on all our thoughts and prayers to Holy Rosary School and asked them to forward them to her family. 

Yesterday brought more sadness as we were informed of the death of Her Majesty the Queen.  As an individual she was respected and loved by millions, regardless of personal views about the Royal Family.  Her selfless devotion to her role has been an example to us all.  We shared a moving and beautiful collective worship this morning with 10 of our Year 6 children leading in our prayers, thanking God for the wonderful work that Her Majesty undertook throughout her long and largely happy life.  The children listened to reflective music and they were able to focus their thoughts on our central display which celebrated our Queen.  The children enjoyed a slide show which showed many aspects that our Queen had undertaken throughout her life including her charitable work and of course her sense of humour with the Paddington Bear sketch as part of her Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.  I would simply ask that you ask your children about this and indeed their memories of our wonderful school celebrations last summer when we had a giant school party on the Junior Playground. 

Can I ask that you put your child’s initials and year group on the reverse of their school badge so that all lost items may be returned quickly.  Some of our children have already done this and believe me it really works.  Iron on or sew on name tags are undoubtedly the best. 

Parents are not required to purchase badged items for their children and whilst our few items are of excellent quality I understand if parents would rather purchase a plain garment which may be cheaper.  We have over 50 jumpers and cardigans in a variety of sizes that are virtually new.  Should anyone require one of these please contact the office via email and we will be more than happy to help.

One little moan, can I ask that your children do not bring chocolate bars for their morning snack.  

As I end this newsletter it looks likely that the weather will remain fine for our youngest children and junior girls as they get ready for their afternoon clubs.

Can I thank you for your continued support which is much appreciated.  Should you require any support in any aspects of your child’s welfare you only have to ask.  I am usually in my office from 7.00am should need a private moment.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy
