St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 29.04.22

Friday Update 29.04.22

29 April 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

We have all enjoyed a lovely week at school, once again it has been extremely busy and the children continue to work very hard.  The attendance throughout the school continues to improve with many classes reporting hardly any absences.  Can I remind you that all schools are under increasing pressure to administer fixed penalty notices for holidays taken in term time and whilst I appreciate the difficulties that deferred holidays bring we unfortunately are instructed to administer penalty notices.

Our Year 4 children continue to prepare for their First Holy Communions and we hope that Fr Grant is able to celebrate this with us, as he has not been well of late.  A reminder that the boys wear a white shirt and either long or short grey trousers with school shoes.  The boys will be given an envelope with the sash, tie and medal and these will be given out next Thursday.  You have been informed that your child will be attending either at 10.00am or 11.30am Mass and professional photographs are available at school after each Mass.  Mrs Greenwood will be at school to help you and you may leave for your own family celebrations after your photo is taken.  The school car park will be available for you to use. 

We were delighted that our after-school clubs continue to be well attended and it has been great to see the children so happy and engaged throughout the school day.  We were delighted that our boys football team were able to play a competitive match and even more pleased that they won the game.  Their attitude towards each other and Mr Parry was very proud of the way they played and supported one another.  Tonight, our girls football team travels to Northway Primary and we hope that they enjoy their match together as well. 

Year 2 and Year 6 continue to be well prepared for their upcoming National Tests.  We hope that they continue to access their TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed support sites, which will undoubtedly help them.  Can I ask that Year 6 children arrive at school for 8.45am each morning, as we engage in daily mental maths and English activities that are an important part of their preparation. 

Can I remind you that we are not in school on Monday, and I hope that you all have a happy and peaceful Bank Holiday Weekend, and with a little luck the weather may be good.  Will you keep Fr Grant in your prayers and continue to pray for a resolution in Ukraine.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher