St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Update 04.03.22

Update 04.03.22

4 March 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Another busy week draws to a close and we have had almost every kind of weather during this week, so let us enjoy the pleasant weather on this Friday.

This week’s update is largely a series of events for your information.  Our Year 1 children enjoyed a fantastic afternoon at Chesterfield High last Friday afternoon.  They were fantastic sports and both Mrs Forrester and I were extremely proud of their achievement.

Our Year 5 & 6 girls football team is leaving to play in the Chesterfield Tournament at Goals this afternoon and I am pleased that Mr Parry will be taking them and I am looking forward to taking the Year 3 class for PE. 

Yesterday saw the school full of amazing characters from our children’s favourite books.  Thank you for supporting your children in this event.  I know how much you look forward to this but I can assure you that the enjoyment that the children get out of the day is worth the pain.  The teachers arranged extra fun activities to celebrate the day but the message is quite an important one in that being a good reader gives you such an advantage in so many areas of life. 

This leads nicely into our first book fair in nearly two years.  The book fair will be delivered next Wednesday and children will be able to buy a book after school in the school resource area by Year 1 and 2 classrooms.  A number of Year 6 children will organise this each evening until 4.30pm.  Staying with a theme of reading, our parents have nearly completed scanning all the books in our outside library and the number of books currently stands at 1670.  As soon as we have completed this job the children will be able to be taken by their teachers where they will be able to choose a book which will be scanned and recorded in our Library database.  This is another exciting addition and it will be interesting to see just how much the children enjoy choosing and reading our beautiful range of books. 

Although children are beginning to compete in inter school events including football, we have decided to keep our current after school arrangements the same for the remainder of this term.  When we return after Easter the field will be cut and marked out and the children will enjoy a range of largely outdoor activities.

I would like to thank your unbelievable generosity throughout the past few days with regard to our donations for children and families in the Ukraine.  A special thanks to Mrs Simpkin and Mr and Mrs Sheard for coordinating this.  We have been completely overwhelmed by your response to our appeal and I am pleased to tell you that your donations are already on their way as you read this newsletter.  Clearly this is a desperate situation and many of our children are asking questions and have genuine concerns.  Can I assure you that each class deals with this most distressing event in an age appropriate and sympathetic manner.  I would ask for your help in this and add your prayers to the rest of our Parish and Wider Community that Peace will return.  It seems hard to believe that little over a week ago Ukrainian children were attending school and laughing and playing with their friends in the same way that our children enjoy today.

We continue to ask for your vigilance with regards to children’s illness which may well be non covid related.  If your child is ill, please continue to use your good judgement and keep them at home.  If they have symptoms or you feel that they have contracted covid please inform the school office. 

And so, to finish off on a positive note, congratulations to both of our Merseyside Teams as they progress into the quarter finals of the FA Cup.  On a personal note if you know the two teenagers who stole my Liverpool Flag on Monday evening at 7.55pm I would very much like it returned.  Unfortunately, their darkened attire gave me no clues but it saddens me that a football fan might steal someone else’s property.  If they really wanted a flag they could have asked as I have several.  I wish you all a safe and happy weekend and look forward to welcoming your children on Monday morning.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher