St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 28.01.22

Friday Update 28.01.22

28 January 2022 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

As we see the removal of the majority of Covid restrictions in England we must try to look forward and hope that we can all soon return to normal school life.  School controls which have proved effective will remain in place for the foreseeable future and I will consider any significant changes after half term.  Clearly the Omicron variant is still extremely prevalent and our Year 4 class has seen a number of children having to stay at home.  We all agree that school is the best place for our children and I shall continue to practice mask wearing in areas of congestion and I shall be mindful of the distance that I keep from others and to try to meet people outside.  I do hope that your children enjoyed another week at school where we have once again enjoyed a dry week.  The children have really enjoyed their after-school clubs and I have been very pleased with the work that they have presented to me.  The children’s behaviour both in school and at playtimes has been extremely positive and I am pleased that he awards that we are able to give on Friday afternoon identify children who have excelled throughout the week.

Can I remind you that all after school clubs will finish at 4.15pm and that your children will continue to be brought to the front of the school. 

Can I ask that the small number of children who have started to come to school on their PE day in casual wear refrain from doing so and wear the school PE Kit and associated tracksuit or a plain navy tracksuit. 

A letter has been sent to the Parents of our Year 4 children informing them of the arrangements for their First Holy Communion which they will begin preparation for in class.  Our prayers are with them and their families as the celebration of this important Sacrament draws near. 

Can I please ask that if you intend to take a holiday that you request a holiday form in advance.  We all appreciate the difficulties associated with holidays and it is less than desirable that children miss out on any other further schooling.  The school expects families however to be respectful of this and make a formal request should this be the case.  If a substantial holiday in term time is requested an appointment will need to be made to discuss the possibility that financial sanctions may unfortunately have to be levied.  

School Meals – can I remind parents that any changes to school meals must be made a week in advance for ordering purposes – if you need to change your choices you must request a new menu, stop school meals or start school meals you must request/or inform Mrs Greenwood via email

Please keep a special thought on Monday as we celebrate St John Bosco’s Feast Day.  The children will come to school as any normal day but the classes shall be learning about the importance of our Saint and about the impact that his selflessness made upon so many people. 

I would like to thank Mrs Greenwood once again for helping in the smooth transition of the Kidzone afterschool club which will become an integral part of our school provision when we return to school after half term.  Please consider using this facility as the feed back from parents from both schools has been extremely positive and we look for ways to develop and improve this service further.   There is a flat fee of £10.00 per child per evening from 3.15pm until 5.45pm.

Parents Evening – I can inform you for your diaries that Parents Evening Week will take place from Monday 21st March.  We feel that by this time we will be able to have a meaningful discussion about your child’s progress and any areas that have been and will continue to receive support.  Teachers will contact you all nearer the time and as feedback was so positive with regards to access from work and home, we shall have zoom meetings in much the same way as the earlier parents meetings which were held in the autumn term. 

 I hope you have a safe and peaceful weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher