St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 24th September 2021

Friday Update 24th September 2021

24 September 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Another busy week draws to a close.  Attendance has been fantastic and I would like to pay particular thanks to families who have exercised good common sense if they have had concerns about their children health.  The usual sore throats which begin at this time of year have kept a small number of children at home but your sensible response has meant that all the children are able to attend school.  The virus is still within our community and a number of schools in Sefton have been forced to send whole classes home as large numbers within a class have sadly tested positive. 

Keeping our school fully open must be our main priority and I thank you for helping us to achieve this so far. 

Our older children enjoyed their first football tournament last Friday and we were delighted and proud that they reached the semi-finals.  Well done boys.  This afternoon another group of boys will enjoy taking part in the second tournament and I hope that we will be able to continue to give our children these wonderful experiences. 

Thank you for your generous contributions towards our MacMillan Coffee Morning which has been a tremendous success.  I shall let you know how much we collected next week.  If any one would like to make a personal donation you would be most welcome.

Can I remind you to pay for your child’s CGP Bundle if you have not already done so as we intend to place the order at the end of next week and these books will be used to support your child’s learning both in school and at home and help them to plug some of the gaps that have undoubtedly occurred of as a result of the pandemic.

Thank you to the vast majority of you who have returned your child’s data sheets and home school agreements.  This information is vital so that we are confident that we have up to date contact details as well as your permission for a wide range of school activities. 

Please check your child’s PE day and make sure that they are wearing their tracksuit as it seems the weather is beginning to cool.  Initials in garments will do. 

I am aware that some of our Year 4 families are asking about their child’s First Holy Communion as far as I am aware it is Fr Grant’s intention that this should take place in the New Year when your child is still in Year 4.

Now that we have returned to more normal class seating plans I need to store the special tables and move them from the polytunnel into the outdoor store room located next to the reception classroom.  This is a relatively easy job but I could so with a little help.  I will be in school this Sunday at 12.00 and if you were able to help for an hour that would be greatly appreciated.  I would like to get the poly tunnel back in shape so that our children can use it for their art and craft and technology lessons as well as PE activities if the weather is unpleasant on their PE day.  I appreciate that weekend time is precious but if a few of us turned up it could be done within an hour. 

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy – Headteacher