St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 17.09.21

Friday Update 17.09.21

17 September 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Another very busy school week comes to an end with the children enjoying the fine weather throughout the past three days.  General school arrangements involving drop off and pick up of children continue to work well and I have thanked St James’ Church for the use of their parking facilities.  After school clubs continue to be very well attended and we were delighted to include our infant and junior dance classes as well as our piano tuition for years 1 – 6.  There are still a few places available for piano tuition which takes place during lunchtime.

Year 6 have enjoyed meeting their ‘Chummys’ on Friday afternoons where they engage in play activities but also help with emerging reading and number work.  A reminder that you are all invited this Sunday 19th September at 2.00pm in Our Lady’s Prayer Garden for a Teddy Bears Picnic.  This would be a wonderful opportunity for the families of the children in reception and year 6 to meet up as we all hope they will be able to enjoy the planned programme of activities throughout the year which was sadly missed by last year’s year 6, due to the pandemic restrictions.  Don’t forget your teddy bear and picnic.

Can you please return any outstanding data sheets and particularly the home school agreement to school next week as our records need to be completed by next Friday.  As we now have class twitter pages which enable the teachers to push information and photos of your children’s activities to your devices we need your written agreement which is a part of the home school agreement.  If we do not have this in writing we are legally unable to share these lovely images with you.

As society continues to return to a more normal state can I remind you to continue to apply common sense if your child appears to be unwell.  I think we are all used to using Lateral Flow Test to confirm any suspicions that we might have around our families’ health. 

Labels in jumpers and cardigans PLEASE.

This Friday we shall be supporting the MacMillan Cancer Charity by holding a Coffee/Tea and cakes morning as part of their annual fund raising initiative.  This is something that we have supported well as a school and I know from talking too many of you whose family members have been affected, just how much the MacMillan Nurses make a difference during such difficult times.  The Family Room and School Hall will be made available on Friday 24th September from 9.30am – 11.30am.  Both rooms are well ventilated and any family members will be most welcome to attend.  Classes will have their normal cake sale which will be organised by their teachers.  If you can send in any cakes from next Monday with any home-made cakes sent in on Thursday and Friday.  If you are unable to participate but would like to make a donation can I ask you to send this in with your child during the week and no later than Friday when we shall be celebrating the wonderful work that the MacMillan Nurses do for us.  Children will need to bring in some money when their class has their cake sale.  You will be informed by your class teacher.  Can I thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

Finally all seems well with the football world and it is great to see both the Evertonian and Liverpool supporters happy with their team’s achievements.  I hope you all have a happy, successful and enjoyable weekend and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday.

Yours sincerely

 Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher