St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

19 March 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Two full weeks down with one to go and our attendance has been 97.4% with no unauthorised absences at all.  These are fantastic figures which should be rightly celebrated by all of us.  Although we cannot change what has happened in the past we can certainly maximise our children's learning and full attendance is certainly a good place to start.  Can I thank you for bringing your children to school punctually as this means the teachers can begin their lessons promptly as planned.  There have been a small number of children who have been unwell with the usual range of ailments and I must stress how important it is that your child stays off school until they are well enough to return.  Any absences are now reported using the government portal and contacting the office by 9.00am helps us to complete this statutory requirement promptly.

Parent’s evenings - have been extremely well attended and I know that both yourselves and the teachers have found this a useful exercise.  The teachers continue to work extremely hard preparing appropriate work for your children and I have been pleased to see how they have tailored work and organised their teaching assistants to support your children in their learning requirements.  I am confident that increased hours of support will benefit all the children in the school.  A relatively small amount of money has been given to all schools and I have decided that it should be used in this way so that your children will receive support from staff that they know and trust and who know them as individuals rather than an online facility which I feel could not be as efficient, productive and enjoyable. 

Both myself and Mrs Burns (the new headteacher at Green Park) continue to ask that you park sensibly and away from school if possible.  Even if the weather is wet an umbrella will allow a walk with your child for a couple of minutes.  I have no answer to this issue other than to continue to appeal to you individually and thank the majority who comply with this request. 

Thank you very much for any library book donations.  A some of the children have brought in a book that they particularly enjoyed and have attached a memorial sticker with their name on it.  Perhaps you could think about this over the weekend and indeed the Easter break as we are hopeful that we can get this exciting new addition in operation when we return after Easter. 

Teachers work long hours and do so freely but can I ask you respectfully not to contact teachers in anyway after 5.00pm. 

School Hot Meals – could you return any changes to the new menu by Tuesday at the latest for kitchen ordering.

Next week will be our final week of the Spring Term and although it has been short I know that the children have been so happy to be back learning and playing together.  We have been quite fortunate that the weather has allowed them to enjoy our beautiful outdoor facilities.  Please will you check that your child’s jumper and cardigan and tracksuit have their names clearly in them.  Although we shall be off during Holy Week and Easter Weekend the teachers will be delivering their Holy Week Activities and lessons throughout the week and I hope that you find the time to share this important time of preparation with them particularly as we focus on new life and new beginnings which is most appropriate as we look to a happier future together. 

School activities will continue next week including Friday and we shall break for Easter at our normal time of 3.15pm. 

I wish you all a peaceful weekend and look forward to welcoming your children for the final week on Monday.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher