St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

8 January 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

I am sure you will agree this has been a most memorable week for a whole range of reasons. Whilst the school has quickly responded to larger than anticipated number of children following the National Lockdown. The arrangements that we have made continue to make the school environment as safe as possible but we have sadly had to close down our Year 5 classroom, as one of our children has unfortunately tested positive, although once again they were symptom free which illustrates just how difficult this more transmittable variant is becoming. Fortunately the class will be all taught remotely next week and the Year 5 children who have been in school this week will be able to return on Monday 18th January at 8.45am.

The Covid rates have clearly escalated tenfold since we broke up for Christmas and can I ask you to continue to keep any children who are ill away from school as this is clearly becoming more difficult than in previous lockdowns.

The teachers as well as delivering lessons to those children in their classes have also been preparing and planning work for those children currently at home. We intend to involve more interactive activities and build upon the delivery that we provided in earlier lockdowns. Primary schools are expected to deliver 3 hours of work per day but this has always been a minimum as far as our school is concerned and I am sure that you will join me in advance for thanking the teachers for all that they continue to do. This time around has presented more challenges than ever before but with positivity and genuine support and appreciation our children will return and continue to benefit from the very best that we are able to provide. I know that the class teachers have already been in contact with children and that they shall be communicating with you via google classroom which many of you are familiar with and those who are not will soon become experts. The teachers will have a zoom assembly/registration each morning and it is important that your child takes part as they will interact with their class friends and their teacher will be able to discuss the day ahead as well as any other relevant news much as they would when they are all in their classroom.

The following class zoom assemblies will take place as follows

Reception - 9.15am

Year 1 - 9.15am

Year 2 - 9.45am

Year 3 - 9.30am

Year 4 - 9.30am

Year 5 - 9.00am

Year 6 - 9.00am

These meetings will set the class for the day and last about 10-15 mins. As I have already said teachers will be communicating with via google classroom however if there are any issues concerning you I shall be in school from 7.00am each morning and I will be most happy to help in any way that I can.

Can I remind key workers whose children attend school that they will be brought to the side gate as we are unable to allow anyone access.

I would like to thank my teachers and support staff for their commitment and dedication because without this I would simply be unable to provide the individual and playtime arrangements that have enabled our whole school community to enjoy a largely uninterrupted autumn term.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I know that both individually and collectively you will continue to the do the right thing as things seem to becoming more challenging, you know where I am if you think I can be of any help and hope you have a peaceful weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher