St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 1
  3. *** Year 1 ***

*** Year 1 ***

6 January 2021 (by stjohnb)


Good morning Year 1.

Unfortunately, we find ourselves in this situation again, where we have to learn from home for the next few weeks, at least. It is such a shame, as I had so many lovely things planned for us to do. But it is important that we stay safe and healthy. So for now, I will try to do as many of those lovely things during our home learning.  

This week, myself and Mrs Clark have set some online work, using a similar format to which we used in October. This will all be found on Google Classroom. You can access Google Classroom using your followed by the password Pupil1234 (capital P). It is important that we use this week to iron out any issues that you are having accessing Google Classroom, as next week we are hoping to be able to start our morning by having an online register, using GC, where we can all see each other and I can explain what you are doing for the day. I will also be posting some videos helping to explain lessons and activities. So you will still get to see me each day (lucky you!).

If you are having any difficulties accessing Google Classroom, then please let me know so we can try to help your situation.  I will send a message again before the end of the week, with instructions for next weeks 'new' online learning, but for this week, try to access the work provided online. 

Have a nice day,

Mrs Bromilow and Mrs Clark