Friday Update4 September 2020 (by stjohnb) |
Friday Update
Dear Parents and Carers
I would like to thank you for your patience as we get used to the new arrangements to ensure that your children have a happy time in school but also that they are safe.
It would continue to help if you did not arrive at school early as all the classroom doors will only be open from 8.45am. This will accommodate families with children in more than one year group. I do appreciate the congestion at the Round Meade Gate and all that I ask is that you come onto the school premises as quickly as possible, one parent or carer per family. I am hopeful that this will level out as next week progresses.
I am pleased to be able to inform you that we can reinstate our full wrap around care as of Monday 7th September. Breakfast Club is available from 7.35am and the entrance will now be the family room which will enable the children to go directly into the school hall. We are pleased to inform you that the cost will remain the same as last year, £3.30 per day per child.
After school club which is provided by Kidzone is available from Monday 7th September. This facility will be available to your children at the end of their school day. If you feel this service will be helpful, please contact Kidzone directly on 0151 287 3944.
Our Year 6 class will be able to resume their swimming lessons next week and I would like to reassure the parents that I have been to the Meadows Leisure Centre where the Centre Manager gave me a tour of the facilities and their plans to support school swimming. I was most impressed and feel that our children will be able to enjoy their swimming lessons in a safe and secure environment. Mrs Bretherton has given the children a detailed letter for your information.
As stated in earlier correspondence we want your children to feel as happy and secure as possible and I have made it clear that we do not object if this means bringing in their own face covering but they should be used throughout the day and the tendency to play with them somewhat defeats the object and is also a distraction from their learning. It is school policy that children do not wear earrings and can I ask that this is respected as soon as is possible if your child had their ears pierced during the summer. If they need clear plastic posts they have proved to be successful in the past. This interim measure is only for recently pierced ears until they are able to be left open throughout the day.
Hand sanitizer is used and controlled in school and it is best left to the teachers as we have had a number of children who have accidently squirted the substance in their eyes all be it accidently. Unfortunately this results in the child having to be taken to the local hospital which clearly will be most inconvenient for you. I remain confident that our hygiene cleaning arrangements for your children are more than adequate therefore please do not allow your child to bring in personal hand sanitizer as this is simply not needed.
Once again can I thank you for your many kind, supportive comments and I shall continue to inform you of any changes that we feel can further improve our provision. It simply remains for me to wish you all an enjoyable weekend and we look forward to welcoming all of our new reception children next week.
Yours sincerely
Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher