St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Key worker final day

Key worker final day

17 July 2020 (by stjohnb)

Yesterday the key worker bubbles had a fantastic day. They all came into school and constructed their own dens in small teams. The dens were all so different but equally as good! In the afternoon the children had the opportunity to make s'mores. Mr Mainwaring, Miss Briscoe, Miss Cousins and Sam roasted the marshmallows over the fire. The children then constructed their smore with digestive biscuits and chocolate! It was a messy experience but a great time was had by all!

The children's team work and communication skills have developed so much throughout their time in school over the last few months. It has been a pleasure to see, as teachers, and we hope that you have also noticed a difference in the children at home too!

Have a lovely summer!

(We will be posting more pictures of our day on our school Twitter page @StJBoscoPrimary)