St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Corona Virus Policy

Corona Virus Policy

10 July 2020 (by stjohnb)

Corona Virus Policy

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your positive comments to date. It has been reassuring to know that you feel that the communication between school and yourself has been clear and helpful.  Please see your Parentmail Account for the attachment.  I hope the following policy which has be written in the same way as the earlier one is equally clear and helpful. I shall of course continue to update you should the need arise. I was pleased that all of our Year 6 children were able to experience a transition visit from their High Schools. We are looking forward to welcoming our 30 new children and their parents next Friday and Monday. As I write this I am wondering where the sun shine that was promised has gone. Hopefully we will all enjoy some over the weekend. Can I thank you for your continued support and remind you that your children's reports are available from the school office if you have not yet received yours or picked it up.

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher