St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Important - update regarding school re-opening

Important - update regarding school re-opening

20 May 2020 (by stjohnb)

Important - update regarding school re-opening

Dear Parent and Carers

I told you on Monday that I would send our Policy statement with regard to the phased return of our children to school and that the proposed date was to be 1st June. The governors, teachers and support staff have worked tirelessly since the Prime Minister's announcement and although we feel we are in a position to welcome our reception, year 1 & 6 back to school we have received instruction from Sefton Local Authority to delay this date until Monday 15th June. I will continue with my Friday communication but still feel that it would be helpful for you to read the documentation which we hope clearly outlines how we shall maximise the safety of our children when we do return on Monday 15th June. I attach the letter from the Chief Executive and Director of Social Care and Education Services (sent via parentmail- please check). It is worth noting that our Covid document is directed at our Reception, Year 1 & 6 children as this will be the initial first phase of re-opening. I do feel though that it is worth all parents being given the opportunity to read our plans as many of them will be the same for the children in the other classes when they return at a later date (again sent via parentmail).

Next week is half term, whatever that might mean, and I would like to thank the parents of key workers for allowing us sometime off. As a result school will be open next week on Tuesday and Friday for key workers children. The normal arrangements for provision for these children and any others who have attended in previous weeks will continue on Monday 1st June with exactly the same arrangements.

I shall continue to keep you updated as it is likely that there will be further developments in future weeks. Can I thank you all for the support you have given your children and to the school and also your patience at this worrying time. I shall remain in school if you wish to contact me and again we aim to reply to any emails that we receive. I am sorry that I am unable to initiate our plans but as the safety of all of us must come first I do feel that the direction from the Local Authority should be followed.

Please stay safe and well and say Hello to your children for me.

Yours sincerely

Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher