St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  3. Parent information from Mr MacAreavy

Parent information from Mr MacAreavy

11 May 2020 (by stjohnb)

Parent information from Mr MacAreavy

Dear Parents and Carers

I am sure you watched the Prime Ministers Statement yesterday evening as I did.  From a schools perspective nothing has changed and although there was little detail we shall read the 50 page document today to see how future proposals are backed up with scientific facts.  It remains a real concern of mine as to how I can guarantee the safety of all our school community whilst attempting to socially distance very young children.  I would also want reassurance that our teachers and support staff would be able to be tested before any proposed return date so that we could be confident that the school environment was as clean and free of any virus as is possible.  Clearly these areas need to be communicated from the government in order for me to feel confident that I have done everything in my power to ensure the school is a safe place.  As you will appreciate children generally do not catch this virus.  However, this issue is around them transmitting it to the school staff who then may have to isolate and the class or school may have to close for everyone including the children of key workers.  Clearly this is not something that we would welcome and your conduct at this very difficult time as a school community has been exemplary.  Teachers will continue to communicate and provide work as much as is possible and I would like to thank you for any support and encouragement that you are giving to your children.  We do not expect you to be teachers and if you have any concerns about your child not accessing or engaging with their work please contact their teachers as they will be more than happy to support you and help in any way they can via the school email

The suggestion that our reception, year 1 and year 6 children may return on 1st June brings very serious issues with regard to social distancing as well as actually delivering a school curriculum as children will have to be split up around the school.  I would strongly urge you not to make any promises to your children about when school will return.  As I have said before no one wants to see them back learning and playing with their friends more than me.  However, this must and will only happen when it is safe to do so regardless of what you may here from other school settings.  Whilst I am concerned about the safety of all children it is nevertheless my responsibility that our children and their families attend a learning environment that is safe for all who work in it.  As you know I am in school each day should you need to contact me and the school email address remains the same and any concerns will be attended to.  We have arranged a full governors meeting which will take place this Thursday 14th May where all of these issues will be discussed any concerns you may have will be presented at this meeting. Can I asked that they are sent via email at the usual address.

I do hope that common sense will prevail and that the very real sacrifices that we have made to date are not wasted and that we shall all return and enjoy the facilities of our wonderful school when it is safe to do so.  Thank you once again for supporting your children which is much appreciated.

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher