St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Update from Mr MacAreavy

Update from Mr MacAreavy

4 May 2020 (by stjohnb)

Update from Mr MacAreavy

Dear Parents


As we begin another week of lockdown there is little for me to update you on other than the good news that all our school families remain well and although some have experienced symptoms they have recovered which is something to be most thankful for.  The school continues to operate in order to provide support for our key workers and we pass on our sincere thanks for the job that they are doing.  I would like to thank you all for the great job that you are all doing in helping us to maintain the current success of the lockdown arrangements.  Can I thank the teachers for continuing to provide as much support for your child as is possible and I know that they are delighted with your children's engagement and the positive way that you are supporting your children.  What happens this week with regard to the governments future plans will be looked at with great interest by myself and the governors.  However I can assure you that I will not consider anything that might jeopardise the health and safety of our children, my staff and yourselves.  We have achieved so much together and had such success and although many of us have had to make sacrifices we still have our family and friends who will be with us when this is finally over.  I will continue to keep you informed of any developments and if I need to seek your views I shall do so via email.  It is important that the trust that we have built together remains at the centre of all decision making and although I would love to see the children back in their normal environment I will only consider this when it is safe to do so.  Until then I remain available via email and I am also in school each day should you feel that I could be of assistance.  Having said that we will be closed this Friday 8th May as our key workers have made arrangements that will enable us to enjoy a long weekend.  Please stay safe and well and I look forward to welcoming you when it is safe to do so.


Yours sincerely


Mr MacAreavy - Headteacher


School mobile for contact during the school day - 07753374969